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Provided by CMS & Medicare, our data is regularly updated to help you find the best health care that's right for you and those important to you. Averaging the available ratings gives an aggregate star rating of 3.14 for Wyant Woods Care Center versus the OH average of 3.09 and a national average of 3.20. As of the last update they had a daily average of 163.2 residents compared to the OH average of 69.12 and a National average of 86.4.
Some of the staff were great but there are too few and they overworked. Nurses aides and other staff constantly discussing patient personal details RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE PATIENT and in hallways, consistently in violation of HIPPA law. Not enough aides on evenings to provide the most basic care. Locked wards have an aide who can't even get help if needed.
Recent Health and Fire Deficiencies
Compare and see how the quality of care at WYANT WOODS CARE CENTER scored versus its State and National averages. Wyant Woods Care Center is a for profit nursing home in Akron, OH that has 173 residents living there. Wyant Woods Care Center has been given an Overall Star Rating of 2.

It doesn't necessarily show the number of nursing staff present at any given time or the amount of care given to any one resident. In 2016, WYANT WOODS CARE CENTER charged a total of $792,540 for 32 Medicare Beneficiaries. The average age of residents at this skilled nursing facility is about 60.
Was WYANT WOODS staffed at Unsafe levels?:
Wyant Woods Care Center participates in Medicare and Medicaid and are classified as a For profit - Corporation ownership. In addition to providing around the clock skilled nursing care, Wyant Woods Care Center offers other services. Staffing hours per resident is the total number of hours worked by the staff divided by the total number of residents.

I wouldn't want my dog at this despicable filthy place!!!! I didn't see any activities going on except the residents paxing up and down the hall. DO NOT SEND YOUR LOVED ONE TO WYANT WOODS. Once your there they make your life miserable. Try leaving when your Medicare runs out, they find a reason to hold it up to keep you so you have to pay out of pocket.
Short-term Care Quality
This is not a facility for someone who is elderly and doesn't have to rely on Medicaid. My family member was given a glass of milk that was a literal solid. My family member was on pureed foods yet received a meal that required a knife and fork.
References to "NHLC attorneys" or "our attorneys" are references to attorneys within NHLC's network, and not employees, agents, or partners of NHLC. Please consult the disclaimer page for further information concerning NHLC. All information on this site shall be considered 'attorney advertising' and not construed as legal advice. Prior case results should not be relied on when retaining a lawyer. These penalties are typically imposed when the violation is severe and harmed or could have harmed a resident.
These certified healthcare assistants, under the supervision of a professional or licensed nurse, are trained to attend to the daily living activities and basic care needs of residents. A nursing home’s successful rating often hinges on this particular measure. Nursing homes provides non-acute medical and skilled nursing care services, therapy and social services under the supervision of a licensed registered nurse on a 24-hour basis. Licensed practical or vocational nurses have a wide range of supervisory and care responsibility in a nursing home. Nursing homes are heavily reliant on these licensed nurses. The U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics estimates that 38 percent of the licensed nurse workforce is employed by nursing homes.
Nursing homes that are certified by Medicare & Medicaid are inspected each year. 5 stars compared to the OH average of 3.29 and a National average of 3.12. 5 stars compared to the OH average of 3.74 and a National average of 3.33.
Medicare certified nursing homes must pass over 180 standards created in order to protect nursing home residents. Wyant Woods Care Center received an overall rating from CMS of 2 stars compared to the OH average of 3.1 and a National average of 3.32. Ratings from residents, family members, and visitors to our site are available below. We encourage you to leave one of your own if you are familiar with their services. We also recommend giving them a call to address any additional senior and nursing care questions you may have after reviewing their Nursing Home Site profile. They have 180 beds and a daily average of 163.2 residents .
However once you get on the elevator the urine smell hits you before the elevator stops. The people walk around like zombies, unkept horribly disheveled and sad looking. They called and told my mother this over the phone instead of just telling her to come to the facility. His roommate was still in the room with my uncles body.
The certified beds statistic shows how many Medicare and/or Medicaid beds are at the facility. Please check with the facility directly to learn about the different types of beds are available. A complaint is a negative occurrence reported by residents, their families, and nursing home staff. An incident is a problem that has been reported by the nursing home staff. Sometimes, complaints can lead to an enforcement action because the nursing home isn’t following the rules.
You generally want to avoid places with too many severe deficiencies flagged. While this facility had some deficiencies on its report, none of them were major deficiencies based on CMS' deficiency scale. A few minor deficiencies are not the end of the world.
This is the percentage of patients that maintained mobility over time. Retaining mobility is usually a good sign for residents' health. This statistic gauges the percentage of long-term care patients taking antianxiety medications. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services does their best to provide a fair assessment of every Nursing Home, but please note these ratings are a snapshot in time. Wyant Woods Care Center is a senior living provider in Akron, Ohio that offers residents Nursing Homes.
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